Products by EM TEST
EM TEST is the leading manufacturer and supplier of EMC generators for the automotive industry and among the leaders for IEC, telecom, medical and component testing. EM TEST equipment offers the capability to match most test routines exactly to spec and to modify existing spec-based routines as required. Test routines are easy to handle, sophisticated and technologically state-of-the-art. Software programs are exceptionally simple and generators are extremely reliable. Driven by innovation EM TEST provides high-quality, full compliant products and outstanding service to remain the global leader in conducted immunity testing and emission measurement.
| EM TEST AUTOWAVE Automotive Waveform Generator | Battery simulation becomes more and more an issue in today´s automotive testing. Waveforms are getting more and more complex. Standardized single phenomena like cranking are still tested but real-life signals are of even higher interest for tes... View Details >>
| EM TEST CWS 500N1 Continuous Wave Simulator 80W | The CWS 500N1 is the most compact single box test equipment for testing conducted rf immunity as per IEC 61000-4-6 and related standards with a frequency range of 100kHz to 300MHz. Apart from the 1kHz 80% AM signal the CWS 500N1 also generates a 2 Hz... View Details >>
| EM TEST LD 200N Load Dump Generator | Load Dump pulses simulate a sudden battery disconnection (e.g. by corrosion) from the alternator. Because the lost of the battery load the alternator generates an overvoltage impulse. Such Load Dump pulses are high energy pulses with a high potential... View Details >>