- Amplifier
- Analyzer
- Antenna
- Automotive EMC
- Cable Fault Locator
- Calibrator
- Chamber / Oven
- Coupling / Decoupling (CDN)
- Curve Tracer
- Data Acquisition
- Electronic Load
- Environmental
- ESD Simulator
- Generator
- GTEM / TEM Cell
- Harmonics & Flicker
- Hipot
- Mains Dips & Drops
- Meter
- Oscilloscope
- PIM Test Solution
- Power Supply
- RF Field Monitor System
- Thermostream
Featured Products
California Instruments MX135-3 High Output AC Power Source 135kVA
IFI T4026-50 High Power TWT Amplifier 26.5 GHz – 40 GHz 50W
IFI T2618-50 High Power TWT Amplifier 18 GHz – 26.5 GHz 50W
IFI TCCX2500 Tetrode Tube RF Amplifier 10 kHz – 220 MHz 2500W
California Instruments MX45-3 High Output AC Power Source 45kVA
IFI M406 Tetrode Tube RF Amplifier 10 kHz – 220 MHz 1000W
Products by TDK-Lambda
TDK-Lambda Americas Inc. is a leading producer of high current and high voltage power sources. Ranging in output from 200W to over 100kW, TDK-Lambda Americas products provide power to many of today's semiconductor, automotive and component burn-in systems. TDK-Lambda Americas- power supplies are also used in medical applications (light sources, laser surgery, Magnetic Resonance Imaging), oil well logging, electroplating, particle physics research and other general laboratory and in industrial processes.
CISPR 11 |
CISPR 14 - 1 |
CISPR 14 - 2 |
CISPR 14 - 2 |
CISPR 16 - 1 |
CISPR 16 - 2 |
CISPR 16 - 3 |
CISPR 16 - 4 |
CISPR 22 |
CISPR 24 |
IEC/TR EN 61000 - 1 - 1 |
IEC/TR EN 61000 - 2 - 1 |
IEC/TR EN 61000 - 2 - 3 |
IEC EN 61000 - 3 - 2 |
IEC EN 61000 - 3 - 4 |
IEC/TC EN 61000 - 3 - 5 |
IEC EN 61000 - 4 - 2 |
IEC EN 61000 - 4 - 3 |
IEC EN 61000 - 4 - 4 |
IEC EN 61000 - 4 - 5 |
IEC EN 61000 - 4 - 6 |
IEC EN 61000 - 4 - 7 |
IEC EN 61000 - 4 - 8 |
IEC EN 61000 - 4 - 9 |
IEC EN 61000 - 4 - 11 |
European |
EN 50 081 part 1 |
EN 50 081 part 2 |
EN 55 011 |
EN 55 013 |
EN 55 014 |
EN 55 015 |
EN 55 020 |
EN 55 022 |
EN 55 024 |
EN 50 082 part 1 |
EN 50 082 part 2 |
EN 50 093 |
American |
FCC Part 15 |
MIL-STD - 461E |